Jul 28, 2007
The Line.
I've talked about The Line before: sometimes you must not cross it, sometimes you may cross it, and sometimes it moves. Let's talk about it in terms of what I call Real Theology. Some people think of Theology as discussing ancient texts or the color of some saint's toga, nitpicking how to conduct a...
Jul 21, 2007
One of the favorite techniques of bullies is intimidation. Really effective inimidation begins with a small kernel of truth, but it stretches into something beyond reasonable reality. Like the child who tells a playmate that her daddy is a policeman and she'll have him come and shoot....
A form of intimidation that...
Jul 14, 2007
Bear with me on this, and I think you'll see what I'm driving at.
I'll have to admit that nothing gets some Wiccans more upset than to have to hear "the J-name". But it's not his fault. Take a look at what he taught and how he lived, and compare that with the stuff you find shouted from pulpits. I wonder if he would...
Jul 7, 2007
Today, people in countries such as Cuba, China, and Saudi Arabia will meet together in small groups in places where they hope they won't be disturbed by either the officialdom or nosey neighbors. It doesn't matter what their spiritual path might be, what's important is that their spiritual path is so disapproved by...