Mar 28, 2015
Did you ever find yourself in a situation in which a couple of people were talking in what they thought was plain language, but to you it was beyond understanding? It happened the other day at the tax advisor's office! And if it happens in "technical" subjects, what is it like in dealing with spirituality, theology,...
Mar 21, 2015
Some of the greatest lessons I've learned have come from four-legged teachers. As a very young child, nobody bothered much with the fact that I saw animals as fellow beings with whom I could relate to and communicate with. This in spite of the fact that most of my thoughts were supposed to be centered on the...
Mar 14, 2015
I get scared when I read a parody article which sounds too much like something I've experienced in life. Recently, a parody "news" article claimed that an Air Force wing commander got disgusted with hearing other services refer to the Air Force as "The Chair Force" and so he decreed that chairs will no longer be...
Mar 7, 2015
Of all of the "objections" I hear about one form or another of religion, one of my "favorite" is the one that claims that sacred writings have so many contradictions! Well, since most collections of sacred texts are compilations from many number of original authors, do you expect anything else. It's true that Islam...