Apr 30, 2016
Your best helpers in your spiritual life might well be your four-footed friends with whom you share a home. It certainly is true for me! People often talk about Wiccans and Witches with their familiars as if it were something mysterious and perhaps sinister, when the only thing that actually happens is that the dog or...
Apr 23, 2016
In the last episode, I spoke about having sacred space, now I need to talk about claiming it! That word "claim" has a powerful significance, from a spiritual point of view. It means that it is yours when you use it. Even if it's a place which has to be shared with others at other times, it is yours when you use it...
Apr 16, 2016
Of all of the obstacles that you might face in growing your
spirituality and making something of your spiritual life, one of
the first might well be the question of a place where you can
actually exercise your spirituality. In other words, a sacred
space of your own.
It might seem a simple matter, but it can become...
Apr 9, 2016
Ten years ago, I created the first episode of this
podcast. Its title was "Can We Please Get Along?". It
seemed then (and still does) that we have more to share than we
will ever have differences, and many of those differences don't
even really exist! So, then, why not?
There's bad news and good news. There are...
Apr 2, 2016
Some basic ideas that have been drummed into your head can become tools, and even weapons, in dealing with the words and actions we see from politicians, candidates, business executives, and various forms of bureaucrats as well as religious leaders. Look at the "Golden Rule" that every Christian child learns in Sunday...