Feb 29, 2016
There are some words I call "F-words". They are proper and
can be used in polite company. Unfortunately, they begin with
that letter, and have been so misused that, to some folks, their
real meaning has been totally obscured! Today, I introduce
you to the 5-letter F-word "faith".
Some seem to think of it as some...
Feb 20, 2016
February 20th is Tempest Smith Day. On February 20, 2001, Tempest Kayne Smith died by her own hand. She was twelve years old. She had been tormented by her classmates for some years because she was shy, because she liked to wear black clothing, and especially because she chose to follow Wicca as her religious path. ...
Feb 13, 2016
It is amazing, the number of people who seem to need to hate. And when they hate us, it might seem that the only two options to escape their venom are to either capitulate to their slogans or keep your beliefs to yourself. And neither of those actually works, and in fact it will only increase their hate! Fortunately,...
Feb 6, 2016
Have you been receiving harassment lately, especially religious harassment? It happens a lot lately, and social media only added to the potential ways for it to happen. On the internet, they are often referred to as "trolls", for their obsessive behavior. It's even worse when it's someone you thought you knew. In my...