Apr 28, 2012
In the various quests that I have pursued in my life, there were those people who raised objections, either because they wanted to avoid it in their own path, or (in the case of one parent an a long-former significant other) they didn't want me pursuing it. The objection on some of the professional paths and even the...
Apr 20, 2012
One of the classic mistakes in many fields, including this one, is not bothering to define something before trying to describe it, make use of it, or even try to teach others about it. Deity is no exception. Admittely, there is a lot of overlap, for instance. Compare Brighid and St Brigid, St Uriel and Ariel, or St...
Apr 13, 2012
Let's talk about some others who can help our spiritual growth. Last time, we spoke of the ones some folks refer to as ascended masters, celestial masters, saints, or any number of other terms depending on your path. This time, let's look at the ones we sometimes call "familiars." And appropriate term, as far as I...
Apr 7, 2012
This is a time of year when many spiritual paths are having celebrations which celebrate fulfillment in one way or another, especially fulfillment of promises made by The Divine. And, what more appropriate time to speak of those who can help you (and I mean you, individually and personally) find such fulfillment.