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Answers to questions you may have been afraid to ask!

An opportunity to explore the spiritual in a manner that all may come together and share.


Dec 28, 2013

I suggested that you enjoy your sandals in the episode before last, and I'm sure some of you knew what I meant. For others, some introduction might be necessary. There are many reasons for wearing things for spiritual purposes, and some of them can be obtained at some of the most mundane and secular of places.

Look at...

Dec 21, 2013

Many things make Yule special, but none perhaps more than how Yule relates to Samhain. There are elements of every Sabbat in each Sabbat of course, but there is a very special relationship between Yule and Samhain. After all, Yule begins the fulfillment of Samhain's promise!

This is special, and gives Yule some special...

Dec 14, 2013

There is the perennial argument over whether someone is "Walking The Walk" or merely "Talking The Talk". Almost anyone will agree that it is best to "Walk The Walk," but what's the real difference, and is there an answer to the critics who claim that you are merely "Talking The Talk"?

Once again, we step back and see...

Dec 7, 2013

My argument with Christianity! Practices which have outlived their needs, and aspects which come to overshadow all other aspects of something that are supposed to be greater are but two simplistic descriptions of the struggles I've found. We go beyond people who take it upon themselves to speak for The

There are...

Nov 30, 2013

Once again, we will begin hearing the conspiracy theory about a supposed "war on Christmas", as often as not blaming anyone who is not of the speakers' particular spiritual path as being among the "guilty". But is their version of a so-called "war on Christmas" an actual war? Could it be something better? And if so,...